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FREE Brochure Features Control-Flex® Couplings From Zero-Max - Ideal For Encoder Applications -They Feature Zero Backlash And High Misalignment Capabilities Call 1-800-533-1731

Apr 18, 2011


Plymouth, Minnesota: Control-Flex® couplings from Zero-Max are designed for the precision feedback requirements of encoder applications. They are featured in a FREE new brochure available by calling 1-800-533-1731.

Featuring a unique Control-Flex center disc design, these couplings have a parallel linkage system that minimizes reaction forces due to unavoidable shaft misalignments.

Control Flex couplings have high parallel, angular and axial shaft misalignment
capabilities with considerably less side loads on shaft bearings and seals. They are designed with clamp-style zero backlash hubs, and have electrically insulating flex components with low weight and inertia.

When compared to standard beam style couplings, Control Flex couplings have the added features of clamp hubs and electrical insulation. Control Flex couplings were intentionally designed to be used for encoders.

Precision designed, Control-Flex couplings consist of two hubs (to be attached to the system shafts) and a center flex member. This flexible member is affixed to the hubs through pins. Clamp style hubs provide a positive shaft connection. Two versions of the coupling are available: single flex disc version for standard torque capacity, and two flex disc version for increased torque capacity and torsional stiffness.

Control Flex couplings are ideal for use in packaging, medical device, machine tool, conveying and automated assembly systems – wherever encoders are used.

“Control-Flex couplings satisfy the high performance requirements of today’s encoders that convert rotational speed into precise electrical signals,” reports Robert Mainz, Zero-Max sales manager. “They are a better option for these high precision applications than standard beam style couplings, which tend to vibrate, loosen and produce inaccurate encoder readings.”

Call for FREE brochure, 1-800-533-1731. Outside US and Canada, call 763-546-4300.

Control-Flex couplings are now available with configurable 3D CAD downloads at: www.zero-max.com/cad.php

Locate your nearest sales representativerequest a quote, or contact us for all your application requirements.